August 29 - September 2, 2024
Saqmaq Park • Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia

August 29 - September 2, 2024
Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia


Volunteers and Staff play a special part at Electric Pines. We are thankful for the people who give their time and support to the festival with their passion for the community. You will make memories that will be shared for a long time with those you work alongside over the weekend. Most importantly, you will have the opportunity to participate in Electric Pines Music Festival family and help to organize a world-class music festival in your community.

Benefits of Being a volunteer

Volunteer positions ask for a time commitment of 10 hours before the festival, during the festival, or after for cleanup and take down. These can be done all at once or split into 2 five hour shifts. Some positions may vary slightly and will be discussed in more detail with those selected for those roles. There will be a crew coordinator for departments this year to help manage each team effectively.

Volunteer & Staff Positions Available

  • Pre Show

    Pre-festival grounds / site setup

  • Post Show

    Tear down and cleaning up after festival

  • Green Team

    Keeping the grounds clean all weekend

  • Parking

    Direct traffic at the gate and along the road, assist with drop off station

  • Main Gate

    Greeting guests, checking people in, giving information, wristbands,
    problem solving

  • Site-Office / Information booth

    Hospitality services, merch sales, lost and found, transport

  • Medical and First Aid

    Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics and other

  • Guest Helper / Runner

    Support other roles as and guests

  • Stage Crew

    Stage managers and helpers

  • Harm Reduction

    Helping keep our guests looked after

  • Neighbourhood Watch

    Help keep an eye the grounds and assist guests as needed

Volunteer Guidelines

1. Arrive for your shift in a sober state for your shift or while wearing a crew shirt or volunteer ID. Failure to do so will result in being asked to leave.


2. Be a positive representative of the festival community. Be respectful, friendly, thoughtful, helpful and honest with the public, the performers and fellow volunteers.


3. Make arrangements for your arrival and departure from the festival grounds.


4. Fulfil all responsibilities and complete all shift commitments.